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CDT Audio Advanced Multi Flexible Micro Processor Class-D Audiophile Sound Quality Amplifiers Represent a Best-of-Breed Philosophy in the Industry!

 Output Power RMS

Limited Time Promotion Price!
Get an ACD-5CH for only $199.99/ea!

Regular Price $400/ea

Ultra-underrated slim clean pure look, neutral, natural sound! No gimmicks! Size and sound quality are what matters.

CDT Audio ACD-5CH Multiflexble amplifier adhere to the most stringent engineering principles to bring you an unparalleled listening experience in the automotive environment. It offers a very flexible multi-use amplifier.
Use it as a powerfull 2-channel amp with built-in expansion. Us it as a 4-channel amplifier with built-in optional subwoofer channel.
Designed for use with 2 or 4 Ohms mid and mid-bass speakers and down to 1 Ohms subwoofers.
Guaranteed underrated values and a detailed power specification. Power values are typically, much higher than rated. The ACD-Series Advanced Class-D amplifier features

Hi-Rez 50,000Hz Amplifier Component System Package #1B


a four-layer PCB lead-free Microprocessor controlled intelligent lighting behavior for status. Advanced Class-D design with thermal rollback. Over voltage points 15.6V. Over volt protection. Advanced Class-D design with built-in microprocessor.
CDT Audio amplifiers have evolved over decades to include those components and design features which provide optimal performance and virtually eliminate problems.
Output Power RMS
  • 4 Ohms: 4X100Watts + (Sub 1X300Watt)
  • 2 Ohms: 4X160Watts
  • 4 Ohms bridged: 2X320 Watts
  • Subwoofer section power: 300w@1 Ohm, 210w@2 Ohm 120wx1@4 Ohm
  • Dimensions in inch: 8.92” X 5.3” X 1.89”
  • Dimensions in mm: 226.5mm X 134mm X 48mm

No money has been wasted on building in features that adds nothing to performance or reliability. On the other hand, every conceivable problem has been anticipated, and protection, to the degree it is feasible, has been included in CDT ACD-5CH Multi Flexible 5 channel amplifier. This represents a best-of-breed philosophy in the industry.

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Price (incl. warranty)

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