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EX-560CD /Pair

Looking for crossover GOLD? EX-560CD is it!


EX-560CD /Pair

The lower crossover frequency avoids dispersion and response anomalies in the mid-woofer-to-tweeter transition seen when crossing over at higher frequencies. This lower crossover frequency provides superior blending in a range of installations and with various drivers.

This rapid roll-off is very effective especially at this lower crossover frequency in providing protection for the tweeter in high-power systems. Feature dual tweeter terminals with 4-step adjustments for both the Main tweeter and the Image tweeter to get a smooth natural sound.
EX-560CD /Pair

"Transient Optimized" 2-way crossover

With adjustments on both image and main tweeter, you can make sure to achieve a perfect level blend between the two tweeters. The EX-560CD crossovers use classic gradual response characteristics. More gradual roll-off initially but greater attenuation at very high frequencies.

Tech Specs and Contents:
  • 1 pr EX-560CD 2-way crossover
  • 4 level image tweeter attenuation
  • 4 level main tweeter attenuation
  • Built-in tweeter protection

Price (incl. warranty)

Price: $179.9

Micro-Cao 10 Emleation CDT EX-560CD CA Fn 0=0s 5.5 EX-560CD Tweeter Diagram

EX-560CD Tweeter Diagram