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EX-560CDiX /Pair

2-way Crossover with 3rd, UpStage Image Tweeter Channel


EX-560CDiX /Pair

The 3rd, channel (option) for image tweeter make your systems image above the dash with incredible details with a smooth natural sound.

Crossover design with rapid roll off at lower crossover frequency providing superior protection for the main tweeter in high power systems. Feature main and image tweeter design with adjustments on both image and main tweeter you can make sure to achieve a perfect level blend between the two tweeters.

EX-560CDiX /Pair
The EX-560CDiX perfect classic gradual response characteristics. More gradual roll off initially but greater attenuation at very high frequencies makes this crossover your best option when woofers need to be installed far from the man tweeter.
Tech Specs and Contents:
  • 1 Pr EX-560CDiX 2-way crossover w/3rd Image tweeter channel
  • 4 level image tweeter attenuation
  • 4 level main tweeter attenuation
  • Built-in tweeter protection

Price (incl. warranty)

Promo Price: $109.99

Reg. $250