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CDT Audio Rear Speaker Installation Philosophy

WHY Don't We Want to Sell You Another Pair of Our Best Speakers? The answer is:

For LESS than the price of two sets of CL components,
you can have a CDT HD or ES system that SOUNDS BETTER!

The reason is not engineering – it is biology. People hear sounds better from the front.

Recognize the Problem: Strong sharp rear sounds compete with sounds coming from the front.

Experiments with home theater – an environment that might make constructive use of rear sounds to augment a video – have shown that rear speakers sound best when the frequency response is limited. A rear located full range top end sounds worse. Possibly what you do hear coming from behind could be distracting or even annoying because it could represent an unknown threat in a real life encounter. Driving while using the rear view mirror is similarly unpleasant – the rear view competes with the view through the windshield. We assume that you are considering an investment in CDT Audio speakers because you have a strong desire to recreate the impact of a live performance as closely as possible.

Consider the alternative:

Have you ever gone to a concert where a second drummer, guitar player and the entire band for that matter were positioned on a stage behind you, simultaneously playing the same notes at the same volume and at the same time? Of course you haven't. Do you think the effect would be pleasing? Of course not - it would be annoying. So now you can see why a competing rear sound is musically incoherent and unrealistic.

The Wideband and UpStage system technology creates the live event experience:

The impact of CDT Wideband and StageFront technology is immediately obvious – the voices and instruments seem to magically take shape in a seamless sound stage directly ahead above the dash. The result is to create a listening experience that is much more like the experience of attending the live event – the musicians and sound sources seem to be arrayed in front of you as if you were sitting at the live concert in the first row.

So the ideal is to use just enough sound from the rear to make it seem to be part of the front sound - like a reflection of the front from a chamber in the rear that is perceived as enveloping the listener in a larger venue as he enjoys his music from up front. This virtually transports you to the live performance. 

This sound that accents the front is easily provided by a small full range speaker - it should never compete with the front. We call this rear accenting process "fill" since it enlarges the perceived listening space pleasantly without the competing annoyance of a rear initiated sound. Since obtaining this fill is inexpensive, so the saved cost of the rear components can be better used in the front. This ideally means using the highest quality front component system as well as one or more of the CDT front accent fill systems.


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